This is where you will find what we are currently doing in response to Covid- 19 at Waiwera South School, we will endeavour to keep it as up to date as possible - bearing in mind it is an ever changing situation and each change requires considerable work at school level.
Please monitor your child's and household health and inform school if you believe you may have Covid. If your child is unwell - keep them home.
We still do have some Covid in the community, please be vigilant about testing for this if anyone in your family is unwell, we do still have some RATs at school, so feel free to ask for some to be sent home, or community members call in to the office and grab some.
If you have COVID-19 you must self-isolate for 7 days. This means you stay in your home or accommodation away from other people. It helps stop the spread of COVID-19 to the people around you.Day 0 is the day your symptoms started or when you tested positive, whichever came first. Your Household Contacts do not need to isolate. People living in the same household do not need to isolate but need to test negative each day, before venturing away from home (to school or work).
If you do have a household case - please contact Kaz in the first instance - either via email or phone.
Historical Covid-19 Information
Preparing for Covid Helpful Links Click to open
Waiwera South School Continuity Plan for operating under RED Level
Phase Three - Frequently asked questions and case management.
Information for families for what steps and process we have in place at Waiwera South during the RED Level. Updated February 16th, 2022 Click on image to open the document